Creating transparency along the coffee supply chain helps coffee roasters like Conscious Coffees and coffee grower communities build and highlight added value
What's really behind the Renew Reuse Recycle process? Knowing the facts helps enroll us in the process.
Local Food is essential to our political, environmental, economical, and health interests. How's the health of your local food movement?
Understanding the connection between Producer communities and Consumers. Organic Fair Trade Explained illuminates the life cycle of coffee.
A group of optimists :: Believers in the power of conscious consumers :: Dedicated to making a positive difference :: Promoters of sustainable business practices :: Believers in transparency
Advocate for sustainability.
Facilitate conscious consumerism.
Help businesses tell their stories of sustainability.
Foster transparency & insight to promote action.
Aggregate data for systems analysis.
Display data dynamically and interactively.
Offer depth & breadth to sustainability.
Use multi-dimensional tools to document triple bottom line.